About Us
Our Team
Atlas Karate a.s.d is a company registered with FIJLKAM and a national sports federation recognized by CONI
The technical staff is made up of FIJLKAM technicians.
Carol Pironti
Atlas Karate President - Black Belt III Dan
She has a past in FIJLKAM competition in which she also managed to achieve the title of Italian FIJLKAM team champion.
For over 10 years he has dedicated himself to teaching the discipline he has practiced since an early age.
Riccardo Moretti
Vice-President Atlas Karate - Black Belt III Dan
With a past as a kata competitor behind him, he now dedicates himself to both specialties: kata and kumite.
A.S.C. Coach since 2018 and since 2019 FIJLKAM A. Coach.
Gianpietro Lupi
Atlas Karate Secretary - Black Belt V Dan
He began practicing karate in 1993 and obtained his 1st Dan black belt in 2001, reaching 5th Dan in 2022.
For over ten years he has dedicated himself to teaching with a particular focus on Kumite.
Filomena Loria
Treasurer Atlas Karate - Black Belt III Dan
An excellent athlete in athletics in his youth, he has been pursuing a career in Karate for around twenty years. To date, in addition to constant practice, even in the Master category competition, he also dedicates himself to teaching especially Kata.
FIJLKAM Technician - A. Coach
Special mentions
Marco Mobilio
Former Atlas Karate Technical Director
Denise Baroni
Atlas Karate contributor
Safeguarder FIJLKAM
Luisa Frezza
Graphic Designer Atlas Karate
Anna Crippa
Representative of the Athletes